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ADHD Resources for Professionals

American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry ADHD Resource Center - provides extensive, free clinical resources including practice parameters for ADHD, information on treatment options, medication, and ADHD rating scales.

Disruptive Behavior Disorder Assessment Instruments - The Center for Children and Families at Florida International University, directed by Dr. William Pelham, Ph.D., provides a set of standardized ratings scales and assessment tools for ADHD and other disruptive behavior disorders that are free to download and use.

General Mental Health Assessment Instruments - The Department of Psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh provides a set of standardized assessment tools that assess for different mental health disorders that may be valuable when assessing patients for ADHD as they may help you rule-out other disorders or problems.  These assessment instruments are free to use in most circumstances, but please refer to links below for the assessment instruments and the specific guidelines for use.

Society of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology - sponsors the Effective Child Therapy site that contains professional resources including workshops, videos, and opportunities for continuing education credits.  This site provides information on evidence based treatments for children and adolescents with ADHD and other mental health disorders.

Conducting an Outpatient Medication Assessment and Ratings - written by Dr. Pelham's group, this helps explain how to conducted an evaluation of a school-based, placebo-controlled medication trial.

Center for Children and Families at FIU - routinely hosts education sessions by Dr. Pelham and other experts in the field of ADHD.  The slides from the most recent presentations are available for review and to be used as an educational resource for professionals working with children with ADHD.  

American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics - maintains a website that includes many resources for primary care physicians and pediatricians.

  • Screening and Assessment section that includes ratings for ADHD as well as other behavior/emotional disorders. 
  • Practice Management section that includes helpful information such as how to implement new screening tools, training resources for office staff, and parent handouts that can improve your offices ability to assess developmental and behavioral disorders in your patients.
  • Education section that provides opportunities for doctors to earn continuing medical education (CME) credits on topics related to developmental and behavioral pediatrics.