Research Registry

Youth and Family Research Program Registry

Many advancements in science and health care are the result of research projects.  The purpose of the Youth and Family Research Program Registry is to create a community of patients, volunteers, and researchers to further knowledge in the fields that we study.

The Youth and Family Research Program Registry helps us to identify and recruit participants who might be eligible for participation in future research studies.  Joining the registry will allow us to notify you if we are conducting a study that might be interesting to you. 

It’s important to understand that signing up for the Youth and Family Research Program Registry does not guarantee that you will be eligible for a particular study, and it definitely does not obligate you to participate in a study.  If there is a new project that seems like it might be a good match for you based on your general information and preferences, you will receive an email, text, or letter describing the project.  You can then decide if you would like to contact us to learn more about the study and to determine if you might be eligible.

Please click on the link below to learn more about the Youth and Family Research Program Registry and to join our community.  You will be directed to a link that will explain the Youth and Family Research Program Registry in detail, followed by a brief survey to collect some general information about you or your child or teen.  If you are interested in joining the registry for more than one person, please note that you will need to complete a separate registration for each individual.

Sign up for the Youth and Family Research Program Research Registry today!