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Nutritional Programs

Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program 

The goals of the WIC Program are to reduce the risk of poor birth outcomes and to improve the health of children during critical periods of growth and development.  These goals are achieved by providing eligible women and children with nutrition education, supplemental foods, and health care referrals.

WIC provides federal grants to the states to fund supplemental foods to low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and infant and children to age five.  WIC also funds nutrition education and support programs.

In addition to providing food assistance, WIC also promotes breastfeeding.  For more information on the benefits of breastfeeding, please refer to the federal WIC website.  

Applying for WIC

Since WIC provides federal grants to the states, those interested in applying for WIC would do so at the state level.  However, there is a federal WIC website that provides a quick screening tool to help determine if you are eligible for WIC benefits.

If after taking the screening tool you are eligible for WIC, or if you feel you may still be eligible and want more information on WIC, you will need to contact the local agency to make an appointment to apply.  WIC does NOT have an online application at his time.

For more information on applying for WIC in the Pittsburgh area please contact one of the following: